PeaceShare Connection

Local to Global Initiative


Peace Delivery: Plane and Simple

Did you find a PeaceShare paper airplane?

Did you receive a PeaceShare digital airplane?

Do you want to learn more and participate?

The following interactive map showcases connection and messages, stories, and photos of peace from people around the world.

Create and Connect

Join with others and marvel at how your act of peace takes off by creating a paper airplane with your message of peace and leaving it in your community or beyond for others to find, or share your airplane virtually.

Subscribe here to get a free PDF PeaceShare paper airplane, as well as a digital PeaceShare airplane to email, text, post on social media, or send in the postal mail.

Pin the Map

Share the location of where you left or found a PeaceShare paper or digital airplane by filling out the submission form. If you’d like, you can also add your name, story, and photo. Once approved, your contribution will appear as a pin on the map.

Watch as your small act of kindness grows, connecting people locally, spreading across state lines, and transcending international borders, creating peace and connection worldwide!